An email was sent to Callonwood neighbors on August 22, 2024:
Dear Callonwood Community,
We have recently noticed an infestation of armyworms in the area and have begun treatment in the affected spots (common open space along Revelwood, Clubhouse next to traffic circle, and Woodkirk/Aringill common open space). Armyworms, which resemble caterpillars, are approximately 2 inches long and can be green, black, or brown in color. These pests pose a significant threat to your lawn, particularly fescue, and can continue to cause damage until the first frost in the fall. The damage can occur rapidly once they hatch, with a common sign being the sudden appearance of dead spots in your lawn. Fall armyworms are especially attracted to Tall Fescue and new lawns of all types (whether from sod or seed) because the tender, juicy new growth provides an ideal feeding ground.
To help protect your lawn, we strongly recommend treating it with an insecticide to prevent any potential damage from these pests. You can consult your lawn service provider or visit your local hardware store for further guidance on treatment options.
A picture has been attached as an example of what these pests look like.
Thank you for taking action to protect your lawn from this pest.