Callonwood Parking Notification — May 26, 2022
Callonwood Residents — It has been brought to the board’s attention that vehicles being parked on the street has become a safety issue in our neighborhood. Several of our neighbors have brought these concerns to the board at numerous meetings.
Many of our neighbors feel that vehicles parked on the streets are causing blind spots and obstacles for moving vehicles that create dangers for our elderly, our kids, and our pets. Vehicles parked on our streets also cause issues for buses and emergency response vehicles. We are asking you to please be courteous to your neighbors when parking your vehicles. Please keep streetside parking limited to a few hours at a time and during the day only. Please try not to leave vehicles parked on the streets overnight. We know this may be inconvenient to some, but we would not want anything tragic to occur in our neighborhood.
There have also been some complaints regarding vehicles parked on residential and common area lawns. Please remember, under no circumstances can vehicles be parked on lawns for any amount of time. Even having two wheels on residential or common area grass is prohibited.
Please think of your neighbors when parking your vehicles. Good neighborhoods are built on common courtesy to one another. The board thanks you for your attention to this matter.