What are the Callonwood Community Park rules?
Callonwood Residents Park
§ This is not a public park. It is for use by Callonwood residents and guests
§ Use the playground at your own risk
§ Park closed from dusk to dawn
§ No loitering
§ Playground equipment designed for children ages 2-12; please supervise children
§ Do not use playground equipment when wet
§ Place trash in proper receptacles
§ Pets must be leashed and under owner’s control
§ Prohibited items: Alcohol, Tobacco products, Controlled substances, Weapons, Fireworks, Open fires, Glass bottles containers, Disorderly conduct and/or profane or abusive language, Destruction of or tampering with property, equipment, or vegetation, abuse of park equipment
§ Park in designated areas only
§ Only authorized vehicles allowed past the gate
Callonwood Ball Fields
§ The fields are not public ball fields. Fields are for the use and enjoyment of Callonwood residents and guests. Any use by non-residents, teams, or other organizations are subject to fees and must have prior approval from the Callonwood HOA Board of Directors.
§ Use fields at your own risk
§ Fields are closed from dusk to dawn
§ No loitering
§ Place all trash and debris in proper receptacles
§ No pets on fields; pets in spectator areas must be leashed and under owner control
§ Prohibited items: Alcohol, Tobacco products, Controlled substances, Weapons, Fireworks, Open fires, Glass bottles containers.
§ Prohibited behaviors – Disorderly conduct and/or profane or abusive language, Destruction of or tampering with property, equipment, or vegetation, abuse of park equipment
§ Park in the parking lot next to the playground – no vehicles on the fields or the street next to the ball field.
§ Only authorized vehicles are allowed past the gate [soccer field only]
Callonwood Community Field Rental & Usage Policies for Nonresidents
§ Fields can be rented out on an hourly basis. The standard rate is $25 for each two-hour period, paid in advance. Limit team practice time to two hours for this rental.
§ Fields are available for rental Tuesday and Thursday until 5pm and on Saturday and Sunday between 8am to 10am and 12pm to 2pm (provides two teams with the chance to conduct practice for fours hours over the weekend).
§ Reservation times will be strictly enforced to ensure availability for usage by residents.
§ Reservations are first-come, first-served; times above are reserved, even if field is in use at the time a team with a valid reservation arrives. (Teams are encouraged to work together in the event of such conflict.)
§ Reservations generally can be made for two weeks at a time. If a team is looking for a longer-term rental, please contact Abbott Enterprises (see below for contact information).
§ Cancellation of a reservation is required 48 hours in advance, or fee is forfeited; in the event of inclement weather, fee will be refunded.
§ During unreserved times, fields are available for resident use only on a first-come, first-served basis; individuals and resident teams are requested to limit such usage to reasonable durations if others wish to use the fields.
§ Use of fields is at individuals’ and teams’ own risk.
§ Any and all complaints to be directed to the board of directors.
Emergency: Dial 911
Callonwood Community Park
Hammond Drive
Stallings NC