Tree Maintenance

Trees require maintenance just like our homes. Preventative pruning, disease management, nutrients, and adequate water promotes healthy trees. A dead tree is expensive to remove and replace. We have had issues with our Red Maples in the neighborhood and have invested extensively in the HOA common area trees.  Please view our April 2024 Newsletter for…

What about other trees?

We, as a neighborhood, value the benefits of our trees which not only add to many aesthetic amenities for our residents but increased property values, etc. An ARC request must be made for any tree to be removed, and we strongly suggest replacement and/or adding to existing trees in your yard.

What are “Street Trees?”

“Street trees” are the trees located between the street and the sidewalk. These are mostly, if not all, on the Stallings side of the neighborhood. These are regulated in our Bylaws and the City of Stallings. The City of Stallings has a right of way in these curb areas, but homeowners have custodial responsibility for…