If you’re interested in following the ongoing initiatives to correct the road and traffic conditions at the intersection of Potter and Pleasant Plains, please see below for the latest update. This effort is being organized by Stallings Resident David Allison:
“Welcome to our new members. Thank you for supporting traffic safety.
A brief history of the project. In May 2021 I bought a $80 sign, had drone photography capture the traffic backups and had a photographer take photos of the dangerous potholes, ditches, lack of proper lane markings, and pavement deterioration. I had a website developed to demonstrate both the safety and congestive conditions that the Town of Stallings and NCDOT had neglected for years. The town actually agree to take on the project back in 2014 with the assistance of NCDOT securing funds from the Federal Highway Trust Fund. An enormous amount of money was paid to a design firm, easements purchased and utilities moved. Citing increasing construction costs, the project was forgotten about and died on the vine. I started holding my sign, spoke to government groups and media interviews and received interest in protecting our citizens. In 2021 the NCGA provided $1.6m for the project. The town wisely turned the money and the project over to NCDOT.
Update today; after voting to improve the intersection project NCDOT wanted to combine the intersection with the “wildly” unpopular Monroe Road U-turn plan. The projects have now been severed and bids will go out for the intersection improvement in November or December of this year with construction to begin in Spring of 2024. I have been told this week that contracts have been signed and money is changing hands!
Those that have followed and supported this cause for 2 1/2 yrs know that this is total grassroots project and have never been about me but motivating government to provide for its constituents. We have impacted this process by being fact based, persistent and always taking the high road. With that said, we must remain vigilant! Stay tuned.”