The construction is finally moving forward!  Please see below for the latest update. This effort is being organized by Stallings Resident David Allison.

This is his update from June 1, 2024:

Intersection Construction to begin June 17th!

The North Carolina Department Of Transportation (NCDOT) has announced that Blythe Construction has been awarded the Potter Road Pleasant Plains Road Intersection Improvement Project (P3) and construction will begin on June 17, 2024. This will bring to fruition but not the end of a three-year grassroots project that has challenged our Stallings elected officials to recognize the safety needs of our community. An important feature of the project is that sewer service will become available in the areas around the intersection. The Blythe Construction contract stipulates that the work must be completed in 15 months.

This project has been a labor of love for my community and an opportunity to express a life-long belief that our government exists to serve all members of a community. This effort could not have succeeded without the support of each and every person that not only signed up for the website and Facebook page but also for all the thumbs up and horn-blowing encouragement you gave me while holding my sign. I got my first subscriber on May 18th 2021 and since then have nearly 2000 and combined with social media many more.

You are already aware of the history of and our accomplishments and I don’t need to review that success. I am going to use the remainder of this update to acknowledge the support given to the effort by so many that believed Stallings could be a better community.

Thanks for the inspiration and guidance from my Florida friend Carlos Garcia and my Nephew Scott Prewitt who not only inspired but developed the website.

Thanks to Stallings resident and former Town Council member Sandra Adcock who provided much support, historical background and encouragement.

Thanks to Gina Palandri, my Facebook guru and friend for her endless hours of inspiration and patience with a very tech-challenged Boomer.

Thanks to Sarah Jerrel my first supporter!

Thanks to the NCDOT for always responding in a timely manner and providing me with traffic volume and crash data.

Thanks to Stallings Town Council member Steven Ayers for his determination to provide safety for his constituents and also Town Manager Alex Sewell for endlessly interpreting policy and regulations concerning funding. Thanks to Assistant Town Manager Erinn Nichols for promptly providing Town documents(every Council agenda from 2014 to 2023).

Thanks to the local news media. Charlotte Observer writer Joe Marusak published an entire page Sunday article that reached one million print and online subscribers. I did seven TV news interviews. The attention they brought to this disgraceful intersection is immeasurable.

Thanks to my my neighbors in Curry Place that have stood by me and offered encouragement at every opportunity.

Thanks to my late wife Judy that not only encouraged me but provided me with a cast iron filter for my overly passionate and sometimes snarky writing. Her editing saved me from making comments that would have put me in a negative light.

Thanks to NC State Representative Dean Arp for finding a way to provide 1.6 million dollars in funding from the Legislature.

Thank you to everyone that has given me support and encouragement. I could have never achieved any of this on my own. I have never sought fame or fortune, my goal has been to make the system work for all citizens and to teach my Grandchildren that one person can still make a difference. I am going to stay attentive to the project and provide you with pertinent updates.

As always STAY TUNED.”

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