Fix Potter Road Update – September 7, 2022
Below is the latest email sent on the status of the Potter Road intersection improvement.
“As promised we will pass along relevant information when received from authorities. Old surveys in our area have been updated to ensure the constructors have accurate property information and can avoid damaging utility lines. I have talked to Ken Littlefield( NCDOT Division 10 Deputy Division Engineer) and he says plans are progressing towards accepting bids for the Potter Rd, Pleasant Plains Road intersection in the Spring to early Summer of 2023. He said contractors generally don’t like to begin projects in Winter. This progress is encouraging and we are anxious to get a more comprehensive timeline. I will continue these updates as information becomes available.
This project is much more than just asphalt and curbs. Retail businesses will be able to thrive with safe access for customers and suppliers. Consumers will benefit from more and better buying choices while developing a sense of community. Municipal government will benefit from increases in land values when assessing property taxes not to mention business tax revenue and fees and from development such as permitting and zoning fees. For example; Stallings has a Development Agreement Fee of $8,500.00
Leadership is service. A lot of the Stallings area has been neglected due to a concentration of decision making “benefiting a few over the many”. I bring this up in a road update to demonstrate the importance of being informed voters. Three of our elected officials have rotated between Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem for nearly 20 years all perfectly legal. To their credit they have maintained their positions while the Southside Districts have been a revolving door of council members. One result is that one part of town has curb and gutter and the other side has ditches. We have a Union County election in November that will impact our quality of live. I implore you to study the candidates and determine which ones will look at water and sewer issues, transportation issues developmental issues and our quality of life. Vote for candidates that care about ALL of our County. PLEASE VOTE NOVEMBER 8th.
Thank you for your support!”
David Allison
Union County Resident