Dear Callonwood Residents,

We hope your spring is off to a fabulous start and are looking forward to pool season!

Architectural Application Process:
This time of year many owners are interested in tackling exterior projects and updating the landscaping around their homes.

Approval for exterior architectural changes, landscaping projects, or additions must be submitted to the Architectural Committee prior to beginning any work.

Requests should include the below documents depending on your project:

  • Plot plan with project drawn to scale
  • Photos of the current home and landscaping
  • Materials and color samples
  • Landscape plan should be drawn on the plot plan indicating location, size, and variety of all plants to be installed

To access the request form, go to our community website and login into the portal.

Example requests that require architectural approval:
Tree removal and replacement, roof replacement with color change, painting the exterior of the home including doors, shutters, siding, brick, etc., sheds, playsets, patios, pools, planter boxes, and all landscape projects.

The only changes that DO NOT require prior approval are exterior changes that do not change the existing facade. Annual landscape items such as refreshing mulch, annual plantings, and replacing dead shrubs.

Email Update:
Log in to the portal to double check we have the correct contact information on file. Please check your billing address, phone number, and email address. You can also, email with your census form that was included in your transition letter and we will update the information for you.

Tree Trimming:
The community is very lucky to have a tremendous amount of healthy and thriving trees throughout the neighborhood! In 2022, the HOA contracted with Brothers Tree Service to trim ALL the street trees in the community. 12 feet along the street and 10 feet along the sidewalk. Many neighbors were able to schedule tree trimming while Brothers Tree Service was onsite and we appreciate you being proactive in completing this project!

If you have not completed this project we have provided all owners an extension until Wednesday, May 31st, 2023. Tree branches are to be kept between 8 and 10 feet above the sidewalk and 12 feet above the road if they overhang the streets.

Fob Replacement:
Owners can reach out to if a replacement fob is needed for the 2023 pool season. Households are permitted 2 fobs and replacement fobs are $30. The replacement fee will be placed on the owners account which can be paid via the community website and log in to the portal. The lost fob will be shut off once the replacement fob has been mailed.

Thank you!
–The Callonwood HOA Board of Directors

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